On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 1:01 AM, courtney b
Please see below for information on the poetry portion of East Falls Rise. If you are able to forward this message to friends or to lists, that would be terrific.
As you can tell by the line up, this will be a great event.All the best,Courtney* E A S T * F A L L S * R I S E *Saturday, October 111:00pm-3:00pm(Rain or Shine)atMcMichael ParkHenry Avenue & Coulter Street, 19129McMichael Park is about halfway between the R8 Queen Lane Station andthe R6 East Falls Station.Come hear poets from East Falls and nearby neighborhoods celebrate thediversity of our community! This poetry event is part of East FallsRise: A Multicultural Extravaganza, happening 11am-5pm and featuringcrafts, music, dance, activities, and food from around the world andaround the block!
Participating poets include:Sydney Coffin is an East Falls native since 1985 except for two years atSarah Lawrence College in New York and one fateful year in Albuquerque,New Mexico, from whence came many poems. A graduate of William PennCharter School in 1988 where he started writing, he spent summers on anisland in Maine, from whence came many more poems. Sydney has been apublic educator for nine years and now teaches English at UniversityCity High School and is a member of the newly formed Poetic Arts andPerformance Project.Mike Cohen is host of the Poetry Aloud and Alive program at the Big BlueMarble Bookstore in Mount Airy. His work has appeared in the SchuylkillValley Journal, Mad Poets Review, Poetry Forum Anthology, and thePhiladelphia Daily News. He has presented public readings in variousbookstores, coffee shops, and libraries. The universe of Mike’s poetryis a funny one, both humorous and peculiar, like the universe itself.Melissa DeGezelle has lived in the Philly neighborhoods of Wissahickon,Roxborough, and now Manayunk with her husband and daughter. Her work canbe found in Shampoo, The Brooklyn Review, The Strange Fruit, and 27 ruede fleurs. She is currently attending the MFA program at Brooklyn College.
Peter Krok, editor of the Schuylkill Valley Journal andhumanities/poetry director of the Manayunk Art Center where he hascoordinated a literary series since 1990. Because of his identificationwith row house and red brick Philadelphia, he is often referred to as“the red brick poet.” His poems have appeared in the Yearbook ofAmerican Poetry, and numerous other print and on-line journals. In 2005,his poem “10 PM at a Philadelphia Recreation Center” was included inCommon Wealth: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania (published by PennState University). His book, Looking for an Eye, was recently publishedby Foothills Press.
Trapeta B. Mayson is a poet, social worker, and workshop leader livingin Germantown. Trapeta works extensively with youth locally andnationally conducting poetry and creative writing workshops. She hasalso worked with the Art Sanctuary and Painted Bride for a number ofyears. Trapeta has received numerous literary and publication honorsincluding a Pew Fellowship, a Leeway Transformation Award, and a PACouncil on the Arts fellowship.

Ashraf Osman is a practicing architect living in Mount Airy. Born andraised in Lebanon, Ashraf has been living in the US since 1998. Hispoetry has appeared in the Mad Poets Review, Schuylkill Valley Journaland Islamica magazine, and has been featured in such anthologies asQueering Language, Outside Voices 2008 Anthology of Younger Poets, andThe Other Voices International Project. His poetry blog, calledarch.memory, has been featured on Blinq, the blog of the PhiladelphiaInquirer; voted amongst the Best of the Web Blogs for poetry, and he wasselected as one of 100 Blogging Poets on the web. In addition to hisblog, Ashraf maintains a website of Philadelphia poetry links andcalendars called PhillyPoetry.com.
Phylinda Reynolds’ poetry has appeared in journals such as The SierraNevada College Review, Riversedge, and Bogg Magazine. She is completingher MFA at Rosemont College in the spring.Hal Sirowitz is the former Poet Laureate of Queens, New York. His firstbook of poems, Mother Said, was translated into nine languages and isthe best-selling translated book of poetry in Norway.Born in Germantown and raised in North Wales, Pennsylvania, YolandaWisher received a B.A. in English/Black Studies from Lafayette Collegeand a M.A. in Creative Writing/Poetry from Temple University. In 1999,she was named the first poet laureate of Montgomery County. Her work hasbeen published in the journals Ploughshares, Meridians, Fence,nocturnes, and Chain as well as in the anthologies Gathering Ground andRinging Ear: Black Poets Lean South. A Cave Canem fellow, Wisher teachesat Germantown Friends School and chairs the Germantown Poetry Festival.Donna Wolf-Palacio has an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from ColumbiaUniversity and has been teaching a poetry workshop at the University ofthe Arts for the last several years. She has received grants from theNational Endowment of the Humanities and the Leeway Foundation. She hasdone readings and workshops throughout the Philadelphia area, includingat the Art Alliance, Borders, the Free Library, and City Book Shop. Shehas published in Poetry and several other journals, and has written abook of versions of Chinese poems illustrated by Kitty Capparella whichwon the Academy of Fine Arts’ Print Award._________________________________________________________________Stay up to date on your PC, the Web, and your mobile phone with Windows Live.http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/msnnkwxp1020093185mrt/direct/01/
- Category:
- Festivals & Fairs
- When:
- Friday, October 10 2008, 8:00pm
- Where:
The Ellen Powell Tiberino Memorial Museum
based on 1 review
3819 Hamilton St
Philadelphia, PA
(215) 386-3784- How:
- Official Website
- Cost:
- $7.00
- Submitted by:
Bill M. See all Bill M.'s events »- What/Why:
- The last Carnivolution of the year!!!
The Hydrogen Jukebox presents Carnivolution
Every 2nd Friday May - October
art exhibits as well as a monthly gathering of Clowns, Musicians, Poetry, Modern Dance, Flameblowers, Artists and Art Lovers.
Meister of ceremonies:
Jellyboy the Clown
Easily one of the best outdoor gatherings in all of Philadelphia. it's one part Carnival sideshow that usually features anything from Firebreathing, sword swallowing, knife juggling, people stapling money onto their body, gratuitous use of rubber chickens, and so much more. The other part is a concert by one of my favorite Philly bands, the Hydrogen Jukebox. They range from jam to punk, to experimental. And they'll even break out some great songs by The Misfits and Ween if you ask them nice enough. with 3 sets by the band, 2 sets of Sideshow mayhem, and the fire and hula hoop dancers that you will see throughout the night you end up with one unique experience. and it all happens within the courtyard of a surreal indoor/outdoor art museum!
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