| show details Jan 5 (12 days ago) |
Amsterdam was great fun, tell you all about it when we get back. we took the train to Berlin yesterday and are staying in an old squat in the ceter of town. Next week we are going to London. from there we dont know yet. How are things in philly
Jelly boy the clown[staunching break: see and comment on ULA renaissance-man, TOM HENDRICKS' , anti- band musician and purveyor of MUSEA zeen, tongue lashing of NPR lit/crit elite nepotisimo...
the full monte concerning the above can be linked to from www.literaryrevolution.com main page courtesy of Pat Simonelli who in fact has bombshell of an MR currently posted on site!]
| show details Jan 6 (11 days ago) |

mean while for two weeks in mid December last year, 2008, continuing right after Christmas in Manhattan and Brooklyn (Ripley's Believe It Or Not, The House Of Yes),
They made all their connections and then some to blaze a trail in Oregon, California, and Nevada setting the stage for further exploits and public spectacle breaking into the consciousness of mobbed dive bars and rough neck underground club venues, performing sword swallowing, dangerous broken glass high jumps and punk pogo barefoot, playing with fire, blockheaded piercings, burlesque acrobatics, dark clowning, human chopping block acts and much more , while wrapped in the front talking and ballyhoo of ultra cool spiels that among other things represent the traditional yet reborn folk literature combined of the American circus sideshow phenomenon.
As for the best laid plans of the ULA regarding confronting the fortress of the Over Dawg apparatchiks in San Fransisco another important...
jelly boy and betty bloomerz parry in Las Vegas, NV, last port of call, in the late December 2008, of the West Coast tour after performing in Portland, Oakland, and San Fransisco with film-maker, human chopping-block, "glass-man", bro' Madders Squidling, photo@betty blomerz. myspace
... coincidentally another element of the Underground Literary Aligned Resistance was seeded with a significant independent specialty bookstore-emporium owner by Matt and Eric (stay tuned to the ULA "network" for updates!) during the annual Santa Clause pub and bar crawl in the heart of San Francisco...
But also no one will be able to say nor able to say more so at the Cabaret Babylon, Sinferno Cabaret, and Dante's Inferno venues there, that the Portland (where they braved three circus-stage performances with the help of local sideshow performer, Noah Micking) audiences aren't tough but appreciative when satisfied though by Matt's description near deadpan and dry humoured; interestingly parallel to the type of Vermont wry serious no frills civil facetiousness toward visitors even them from New Hampshire!
And again San Fran's Sandicon Commedians who swarmed the bill with gay abandon at the Club Deluxe dive bistro where the Squidling road show packed the house with local neo-beatniks and eccentric bohemians...
The same was to be said for Oakland and a couple House shows and culminating in a sold out gig at the Stork Club another colorful spacious dive but sporting punk and thrash bands the likes of "Japanese Baby", a Cure cover band, "Sisters of Mercy"...
... while after much tap- dancing, burlesque fan-fares, and accordion players, Jelly Boy and Betty Bloomerz headed up to Las Vegas just in time for a rare snow storm and connected with The Swing Shift Sideshow and entrepreneurs, Selso Zileh and Andrew S, for a knock down drag
out melee at the Double Down Saloon that besides what one might imagine we are told there's a couple of vintage pool tables, hard times punk house bands and an authentic mosh pit...
| show details Jan 7 (10 days ago) |
thanks for the forward. keep us up to date on ireland. we are checking in with one burlesque club in dublin. we´ve three to possibly five gigs in berlin and 3 in london. also we´ll be returning to amsterdam for 1 to 3 more shows.
till the next time.

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:54 AM, matthew broomfield <westphilth@yahoo.com> wrote:
The invaders: Jelly-boy The Clown, Betty Bloomerz, "The Penguin Boy", Madders Squidling...
stuffy. berlin feels much more like home but it is very cold, like canada or upstate new york kind of cold. we will be performing about 4 or 5 different shows here and then moving on to london or spain, all depending on what we can set up. Is everything good at the house?
| show details Jan 7 (10 days ago) |
I've passed Matthew's email to Brendan Hickey (info@ontheverge.ie - see http://www.ontheverge.ie) and to Michael Lovatt (mlovatt@redmoonmedia.com - see http://www.elektrodouche.com or search Elektrodouche on MySpace). We're still trying to find contacts at WHELAN's, which is *the* old rock pub in central Dublin - will send your way soon as we find.
Matt, feel free to contact the aboves. We'll see what else who else we can dig. If you're still in Berlin give Rhea Boyden a call ------ or email --------- . She's been living there yonks and knows the scene.
Enjoyed watching your Carnivolution video on MySpace at Tiberino's old place. Capt Beefheart lives!
very best,
The versatile Penguin Boy promo-shot...

| .show details Jan 6 (11 days ago) |
we will be returning on the 9th of Feb. so the 28th shouldn´t be a problem. thank you much for keeping care of wig wam. try not to give him to many treats, he´s kind of a crack head for that kind of stuff. it messes with his character you know. the squat here is a true fortress. great people from all over living there. a few months ago the cops tried to raid the building and failed on getting one foot in the door. it is one of last bastions for true anarchicts! there is a great german aranchict b
ook store close by that we went to. it is fucking cold here but it´s worth it. the name of the party in amsterdam is pacific parc. it is a restaurant and venue. you can find it online with pictures from the party and location info. i believe the area is called westerparc or something like that. it´s on the west side of central amsterdam. they turned this old oil refinery factory on one of the larger canals into a bunch of restaurants and shops. pacific parc is located in this building.
more later.
Aerialist/ s word-swallower/fire-breather, the beauteous Betty B

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 8:18 AM, matthew broomfield <westphilth@yahoo.com> wrote:
ROC ROCKET strong man promo-shot...
| show details Jan 14 (3 days ago) |
thanks for all the links to folks out here. we´re working on dublin with andrew, nothing happening yet though.
we´ve performed two show out of four so far here in berlin. you would love it out here. so many anarchists and punks. Tons of grafiti all over the buildings. but not shitty tags, really good art work. the city is a mix of new and old, american and german. big ass, efficient shopping malls that are just as disgusting as they are in the states. food is cheaper here, but the produce is better in the states than in the northern european countries. we found one ULA recruit, Pete Missing. he´s from NYC, expatriot. lived on the streets and sqwats most of his life. really big in the punk and New York hard core scene in the ´70´s.
tonight we perform at the sqwat, the Koepi. we have to be as brutal but PC as possible. strange that punks are so closed minded even though they understand other things about the anarchist way of life. ah well it´s always been this way. we met some really great people who run a warehouse space here that we helped organize and put together. this is the place we performed at on saturday night. I believe they will be very helpful for our carnivolution crew in the future. they organize summer festivals in berlin and istanbul and were very grateful for all the work we did in helping them organize there space.
hope all is well in philthy and your staying as warm as you can. looking forward to our return and the story telling. we´ve still got another 4 weeks. we´ll be off to london on friday and be there for 2 weeks. after that we´ll be returning to amsterdam and then back to london for more shows. we´re trying to fit in dublin and a brief get away to Sharleen´s parents apartment in Oviedo (northern Spain). i´ll send word about the next couple of shows.
what´s the political, economic climate like right now? the inaugaration is soon eh?

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[ www.woodenshoebooks.org ]
Philly's premier Anarchist Bookstore sews up another great free public event, literally:
Sunday of the weekend of the Two ULA sponsored The Beards Anthology readings--- the first, Friday, November 21 st at the now defunkt Robins Bookstore formerly located at 13th and Sansom, the second held in a new gallery space in the Ellen Tiberino Memorial Museum, 3819 Hamilton Street, Saturday--- one of the few bright spots in the crazy underground lit weekend mix happened to be the Book Making/Binding workshop facilitated by the generous and talented Amy Opsasnick (who is also a member of the steering committee of the cooperatively managed, anarchist bookstore, on South 5th above South St.).

The itinerary this Sunday was to check out the workshop and then hike down South across Broad to the Tritone Lounge to lend ear to jazz keyboarder Rashid's new Jazz Ensemble as Rashid has had a history of being willing and able to do accompaniment/ improv with underground poets, specifically ULA poets, in the recent past ( didn't stay long but got to touch base with the seasoned jazzman and get a decent feel for the sound and drift of the new band which turned out to be a big full bodied number the TEXTURE of which was unexpectedly "boss" ). However the book binding hands-on experience proved so much fun and informative and

RIGHT:Attendee Zoe and her mom and dad happy doing their "Do-Si-Do"s
... contented film, and once and a while even poetry readings, which bring ever more people into the bookstore and prove good for the survival of this ultra-independent bookstore which heavily favors radical zines and DYI publications. After all a good sampling of the ULAPress line of books happen to be for sale at the Wooden Shoe, so if the sabot fits wear it!